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Resilient Communications in Contested Environments

Peer-to-Peer at the Tactical Edge

Peer-to-peer data sharing is essential for autonomous systems to collaborate and coordinate.

In a world where 24 x 7 network availability cannot be guaranteed, critical edge systems need to be able to operate autonomously—Kinnami AmiShare data mesh, ensures timely and secure peer-to-peer data sharing for mission-critical operations — Data is where it is needed when it is needed.

Resilient Operations — Share Data Directly Across Devices at the Tactical Edge

Kinnami AmiShare ensures mission-critical data flow continues in disrupted environments.


Kinnami AmiShare solves peer-to-peer data sharing at the edge for autonomous systems by providing a secure, resilient, and decentralized data mesh. 


This allows autonomous systems to safely share critical data directly with each other, even in unstable or disconnected network environments.



Autonomous systems must have data options at the tactical edge  

  • Secure peer-to-peer data sharing supports mission critical autonomous systems that must operate independently when conditions require.


  • Kinnami AmiShare is a zero trust resilient data mesh for complex distributed platforms at the tactical edge that enables peer-to-peer data sharing to ensure mission-critical data flow continues even in disrupted environments.


  • AmiShare automates the complexities of securing, protecting and moving data across diverse networked devices including devices like drones, ATAK, robotics, laptops, mobiles, and satellites. 


  • AmiShare ensures “best” data availability even where networks are unstable or comms are denied, making sure data gets where it is needed when it is needed.


Information owners maintain control over their data assets— share data openly and restrict access as required.

  • Data sovereignty is provided by separating the administration of policy governance and data ownership


  • Built-in policy engine, which automates and simplifies administrators’ workflows


  • Data owners have an easy-to-use interface for managing data privacy and control levels.


Data authenticity and accuracy ensured with non-repudiation

  • Data authenticity and accuracy ensured with non-repudiation


  • All data is traceable and auditable—original data is immutable.


  • Kinnami  provides proof of the origin of data and the integrity of the data.

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